Jasmin is 4 months old and is therefore beginning with
solids. Considering that Jonathan took his time getting used to solids and I
was a much more careful, bordering on a panicky mom, I was expecting the
process to be a gradual one. Jasmin however had other plans…
It’s been about three weeks since I first noticed that
Jasmin is staring at me when I eat.
Considering her infant age, I did not do much with this new information.
But officially at 4 months, it is recommended by the Israeli health services to
start giving tastes of solid (excepting milk and honey…ironic, milk and honey
forbidden in the land of milk and honey…). And so, today, when I was eating my dinner, I
saw that Jasmin is gazing at me with longing… Jasmin had also just eaten her
portion of baby milk, so I brought her some carrot mash and let her taste it.
She sucked the spoon a bit confused, not sure what to do, but I gave another
small bite and she began to get it.
It was clear she was
definitely eating and swallowing, and enjoying the new food. In fact, I wanted
to take it after a few spoons, as the recommendations are to give babies
tasting samples when they are not really hungry, rather after a bottle of baby
milk or a breast feeding session and to do so moderately, and she protested
loudly! The wining stopped only when I returned the food and gave her some
more. After a few more bites, she began to grab at the spoon, and by the end of
the feeding session she was holding the spoon and pulling it towards her mouth
with very decided movements. After a few more bites and she clearly lost
interest all at once! IT was clear that dinner was over for today.
We ended the day with a bottle of enhanced milk powder that
also introduces cornflower and is a bit heavier that the regular milk powder.
This formula is recommended starting at the age of 4 months and at night. The
idea is that the babies will sleep better at night after the more substantial
It would seem that the transition to solids will be a more
flowing with Jasmin, but then again, I cannot really tell only after one time.
She is however clearly showing consistent interest in my meals for some time
and the easy feeding of carrot mash today is, It is hoped, a good sign.
Tomorrow we will try some peas mashed and next week, fruit.
Bon apetit!