Sunday, November 25, 2012


Jasmin has learned her first word! It’s (drums…..)  “amm!”, which in baby Hebrew definitely means yummy, or if you like, an obvious request for food or a declaration of enjoying one’s meal.

Jasmin has taken to talking during her dinner. Such bad manners may not be applauded in general, but when a baby first starts to speak, mommy is encouraging in every opportunity. What started as a loud opening of a mouth, with eager anticipation of being fed (ahhhh – natural sound when one opens one’s mouth) has over a short period of two meals become a closed and obvious syllable – “amm!” says Jasmin, I am hungry, feed me! I like what I am eating, it’s yummy!

A sound that was only heard during meal times, and meant mostly enjoyment of tastes or a demand for an immediate refill, is now advanced to the clear request of food. Jasim crawls into the kitchen and sits up (oh yes, at 9 months she is finally sitting up nicely, on her but and on her knees). She looks at me and then clearly says “amm!” I want to eat! “amm!” Now if you did not get it! Usually mommy does not need much prompting and is always willing to oblige with cottage cheese, fruit puree or mashed chicken soup. Jasmin eats everything and always seems to enjoy her meal. And I am not sure, I can always expect her to reassure me with a simple, cheery “amm!”.

By the way, sitting babies have free hands to toss out content of mommy’s closet (a favorite pastime with Jasmin) or if one must compromise, the washing basket