Sunday, November 25, 2012

When there is a will there is a way!

There is definitely a way for Jasmin to achieve what she wants. Even at just 4 months she has desires and she takes care to see that she is provided accordingly.

Jasmin and teddy, sleeping in same position...sooo cute!

It is obvious that Jasmin knows exactly which is the hand that rocks the cradle…or the hand that feeds her. Whoever takes care of Jasmin is rewarded with the fact that she does not take her eyes off that person and is always curious about their whereabouts, especially if they are just leaving the room she is in… If we spend the weekend at my parents’ house and I take a few hours rest while my mother gives a hand with Jasmin, then even when I wake up and return into Jasmin’s “world of people who are now present” she does not give me (her mom!) a second glance. Savta just fed her lunch! So Savta (grandma in Hebrew) is now the person who counts! Savta gets all the attention and Jasmin’s look will follow her grandmother around the room, including a wailing sound if grandma leaves Jasmin’s vicinity.

This effect was recently very strongly to be observed after we spent time with my husband’s parents in Germany. We took a 3 week family holiday and flew to visit my husband’s parents. As we wanted Jonathan to have a good time on his vacation, we took him on outings (ranging from the nearest garden to a zoo two hours drive away). Jasmin had less to enjoy on such outings and as her grandmother was eager to spend time wither new granddaughter, we often left Jasmin in the care of her devoted Oma (grandmother in German). The result was that Jasmin simply did not give me the time of day! She had only eyes for Oma in the day. At night she increased her suckling times, perhaps looking for a way to compensate for her reduced mommy time… although Jasmin does not breast feed anymore (I quit when I returned to work when she was 7 months old) she still wakes up 3 times in the night…ever since our holiday in the summer, this has been the case.

Jasmin likes to be held! She always happy in someone’s arms. As she is now spending most of her time in a day care center and sees little of her parents during the day, the “hold me now” request has become more frequent and more urgent. She crawls up to the person she wants to be picked up by and touches their feet. Then she lies down on her tummy so that she can thump her foot on the ground. This thumping clearly means “Pick me up! Hold me! Now! Please!” Wailing and whimpering is also added as the sound effect. If Jasmin does not reach her target (because said person is walking around the house faster than Jasmin can crawl after them), she will follow the desired person around the house, whimpering her protest in the process. Once reaching her goal, the thumping ritual is repeated. Even when she wakes up at night, the foot thumping is part of her whimpering call for a nighttime bottle. Maybe we should call her “Thumper”, like the rabbit in the film Bambi.

It is also clear to me that Jasmin understands the word “no”. As she crawls under the table to reach the computer cable, I say no in a strict tone ad she stops. Now it is obvious that she is considering if to obey the command I issued. A slight pause, and she either obeys and turns around or continues on the way to the desired cable – only to be warned off it again by my resounding “no”. Jasmin is a very curious baby, she has also become mobile – increasing her capabilities in crawling (belly or on hands and knees) and becoming stronger every day! She loves! Cables – of any kind, but electric cables are a favorite, as are the obviously forbidden nylon bags from the supermarket and as well as any nook and cranny. I have often had to fish her from underneath a table or a chair. It really is like they say, when there is a will, there is a way…